On January 19, 2021 took place the webinar on
GCM Objective 17: “Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse to shape perceptions of migration”
This 23-part webinar series aims to build momentum, engagement, and participation from ground level stakeholders and practitioners for the implementation of the GCM in the lead to the regional and international reviews.

Paddy Siyanga Knudsen, Migration Governance Analyst
Vasco Malta, Head of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Portugal
Elena D’Anna, Communications Officer, No Cap Association
Eva Garzón, Migration and Displacement Lead, Oxfam Intermon
Mustafa Qadri, Founder and Executive Director, Equidem
Marvin Hokstam, Journalist and Founder, AFROMAGAZINE
Andrew Khoo, Member of Bar Council Migrants, Refugees and Immigration Affairs Commmitee, Malaysia