On February 2, 2021 took place another in-depth discussion part of the series on the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration’s Objectives.
GCM Objective 19: “Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries”

Paddy Siyanga Knudsen, Migration Governance Analyst
Camelia Tigau, Coordinator of the Area of Integration Studies, Center for Research on North America, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Jenna Henebry, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies and School of International Policy and Governance
Oleg Chirita, Head of Programme, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Global Initiatives
Usec. Astravel Pimentel-Naik, Executive Director, Commission on Filipinos Overseas
Ndidi Njoku, Chair, African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)
Madhavan Kallath, Managing Partner, Kallath and DBI WLL