The first International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) will be held from 10 – 13 May 2022 to review the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).
Civil Society Participation
There are 2 tracks for non-State stakeholders to be eligible to participate in the IMRF:
1. “Registration for Accredited Organizations“: NGOs with ECOSOC accreditation, and all civil society organizations who were accredited to participate in the processes leading up to the adoption of the GCM (GCM negotiations and/or Marrakech Conference) will have to register to participate, but DO NOT need to apply for “special accreditation” described in point 2 below. In order to register:
- If you represent an ECOSOC-accredited NGO, you are asked to contact the NGO Branch of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs for registration.
- If you represent a stakeholder accredited in the context of the GCM, you are asked to check the United Nations Network on Migration website. Information on registration will be posted there when the process opens. The list of stakeholders that were accredited in the context of the GCM and who do not need to request special accreditation is available here.
(More details about the registration process for these organizations will be shared when they become available)
2. “Special Accreditation“: All other civil society organizations who do not fall within the above categories (do not have ECOSOC accreditation, and have not received prior accreditation in the context of the GCM), MUST apply for and receive special accreditation to participate.
The application for special accreditation will close on Wednesday, 26 January 2022, at 5:00pm EST.
In order to fill the special accreditation form, you will need the following:
- An Indico system profile. If you do not have an existing Indico profile, you must create one here
- Organizational details (name or head of organization, webpage, location, logo etc.)
- Information about the work of your organization in relation to migration and the GCM
- A letter of expression of interest, from the head of your organization, on your organization’s official letterhead
- Proof of your organization’s legal status issued by your government
- Proof of engagement in migration (reports, newsletters, media statements etc.)
N.B. The precise requirements can be quite detailed, and must be complied with carefully. Please check here for all the necessary details.
In case you have questions or need clarifications, please email unmignet@iom.int