December: Comment by the Civil Society Action Committee on the Biennial Report of the United Nations Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).
3 December: Intervention by Elana Wong, Coordinator of the Civil Society Action Committee (AC), to the international event ‘The Global Compact for Migration: Critical Perspectives on Migration Policies from European Civil Society’, hosted by the Spanish Network for Monitoring the Global Compact on Migration. Â
19 August: AC Statement condemning the violent, racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic riots and attacks that have endangered minority and marginalised communities across the United Kingdom.
21-22 May: On behalf of the Action Committee, Ian M. Kysel, Director of the Migrant Rights Initiative, delivered the AC’s key advocacy points at the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) in New York, focusing on the theme of Regular Pathways.
In view of the 2024-2025 Regional Reviews, the Action Committee gathered key recommendations for the UN Network on Migration to enhance the inclusion, participation, and contributions of civil society in the the Regional Reviews.
19 May: Statement by Colin Rajah, Coordinator of the Civil Society Action Committee (AC) and civil society representative, to present a summary of the Informal Interactive Multistakeholder Hearing and the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) Plenary.
19 May: Statement by Elana Wong, Global Focal Point of the Migration Youth & Children Platform (MYCP), the Major Group for Children and Youth, and migrant representative at the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) Plenary.
29 April: Open Letter to the UN Member States and the co-facilitators of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) Progress Declaration.
15 March: Open Letter to the President of the UN General Assembly on the shrinking space for civil society in the United Nations (Español, Français), List of endorsers.
12 July: Remarks from Cecilie Kern, Global Policy & Research Advocate at Mercy International Association and Global Action Vice-Chair at the NGO Committee on Migration on the 2021 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLFP) Voluntary National Review (VNR) Lab on Migration.
24 June: Open Letter to the co-facilitators of the Ministerial Declaration to be adopted for the 2021 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).
21 March: Civil Society Policy Brief: Addressing Racism in Global Migration Governance and Policy.
8 February: Open Letter to Member States on Universal Access to COVID-19 Vaccines.
10 December: Intervention by Alyna Smith, Advocacy Officer at Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) at the High-Level Virtual Policy Discussion to commemorate Universal Health Coverage Day 2020.
13 November: Closing Remarks from Stéphane Jaquemet, Director of Policy at the the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) at the First Regional Review of the Global Compact for Migration in the UNECE Region.
9 November: Summary Report from Michele LeVoy, Rapporteur and Director of the Platform for Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), at the Informal Multi-stakeholder Consultation of the GCM Regional Review in the UNECE Region.
28 September: Civil Society Action Committee (AC) call to the Greek government and the European Union (EU) for the immediate humanitarian and human rights response to the Moria camp tragedy (Español, Français).
7 April: Civil Society Statement on Solutions for the COVID-19 Pandemic and New Solidarity with Migrants and Refugees.
April: Non-Exhaustive Selection of Good State Practices for Migrants and Refugees by States and Inter-Governmental Bodies in addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic.
12 March: Civil Society Action Committee (CS) Joint Statement on the current Greece-Turkey Border Crisis.
July: Joint Oral Statement delivered at the 41st Session of the Human Rights Council.
16 July: Civil Society Action Committee (AC) Secretariat’s Open Letter to the UN Network on Migration on the Official Launch of the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF).
25 June: Letter to co-facilitators on Modalities for the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF).
25 June: Language Proposals for the Format and Organisational Aspects of the International Migration Review Forums (IMRFs).
April: Civil Society Proposals to the UN Network on Migration (UNNM) and the Migration Trust Fund
Proposed Terms of Reference for the UN Network on Migration’s Civil Society Liaison
10 December: Joint Civil Society Statement on the UN Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM).
13 July: Joint Civil Society Statement at the Conclusion of Negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM).
9 July: Civil Society Statement on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) in Advance of the 6th and Final Round of Negotiations.
8 June: Civil Society Baselines on Government Implementation, Follow-Up and Review of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).
June: Civil Society Joint Statement on the Distinction Between Regular and Irregular Migrants.
3 May: Civil Society Open Letter to UN Member States on the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) (Español, Français).
13 March: Civil Society Joint Statement on the Negotiations for a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) (Español, Français).
Seven Regional Civil Society Consultations for the Adoption of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).
19 September: Civil Society Statement & Scorecard on the Outcomes of the UN General Assembly Summit ‘New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants’.
19 September: Civil Society Starting Points for the Outcome of the UN High-Level Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees & Migrants (Español, Français).