The Civil Society Action Committee is proud to announce the release of its paper “Which way forward on the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration in the era of COVID-19?”
This is a critical moment for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). The two-year anniversary of the adoption of the GCM is upon us, and the first set of GCM regional review processes is underway. As we look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery, choices and priorities about the future of human mobility look different now.
This means that implementation needs to look different going forward.

Starting with an analysis of the GCM origins and elaborating on the reflections and lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic, the paper focuses on GCM Objective 5 on regular pathways and Objective 23 on international cooperation, to respond to post-pandemic recovery and re-launching mobility questions. As such, refocusing implementation on the global character of the Compact and the need for concerted, collective action on the part of States and stakeholders are key.
The paper is followed by a set of recommendations for civil society as well as States and other stakeholders to build the momentum the Global Compact needs by organizing and aligning the huge amount of work going on within regions around GCM Objective 5 and international cooperation.