As part of the Civil Society Action Committee’s preparation and strategy towards the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in May 2022, the AC’s member and observer organizations have collectively developed and drafted a joint position paper on the IMRF.

The paper is centred around 12 key priorities we identify as critical and urgent themes to make progress on the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), and a section dedicated to proposals for inclusive civil society participation in the IMRF and in the GCM process overall. 

It offers a collective set of advocacy points on key issues that the Action Committee’s membership collectively prioritizes. The development of these advocacy points was undertaken through a few steps, centred around discussions and consultations with the AC’s membership and other grassroots organizations globally. 

These key advocacy points and priorities have already been presented by the Action Committee as an official submission towards the UN Secretary General’s Report, in view of its release in February 2022. Furthermore, the paper will be used in the following months to engage in dialogue with Member States, relevant UN bodies, and other stakeholder partners to further advocate on our priorities and on civil society modalities for IMRF engagement

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